Transcripts: Karen Nussbaum, 9to5, Oral History Quotes

These two quotes from Karen Nussbaum are featured in the exhibit "From Roses to Raises," section: "9to5: Demanding Raises, Rights, and Respect."

We knew [the] issues that reached the feelings of disrespect, but didn't pound on them directly, but went through some more objective issues, like lower pay than men, or lack of promotional opportunity, that's what you needed. You needed to talk about things that felt objective, and removed, and weren't as painful as telling people, "you are not respected in your work," but tied to those feelings. And that was what was explosive.”

When we started 9to5, we started out as women workers to organize women workers, and we created our own culture. We did what we thought was natural, what would work, and what would appeal to our base. We followed our own nose, and created something that would really work for us. And because we were all women, it was quite natural that the leaders we appealed to were women. And that worked. And when we moved into the union, it was really the same.”

Quotes from: "SEIU District 925 Legacy Project, Oral History Transcript: Ellen Cassedy, Karen Nussbaum, and Debbie Schneider." Interviewed by Ann Froines. November 1, 2005. Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University.

Credit: Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University.