Transcript: "Men-Women-Children of Lawrence Organize! Organize!" Broadside

This broadside is featured in the exhibit "From Roses to Raises," section: "The Lawrence Bread and Roses Strike (1912)"

From Lawrence Public Library.

MEN-WOMEN-CHILDREN of Lawrence Organize! Organize! 


Let our answer to the "protest against the I. W. W. its principles and methods" by a better feeling toward each other. A bigger, stronger Union! ONE BIG UNION!

Stand together, united in the I. W. W.; we gained a little for each other as a result of the general strike last winter.

None were any the worse for a few weeks rest; we have a right to be lazy once in a while. The stockholders, the bosses, are lazy all the time.

The extra pay we get for overtime is the wages of solidarity.

The better conditions are result of class action.

No one nationality could have successfully fought the premium system. All nationalities working together, improved the premium system, making it more easy for all to reach.

The things gained were worth fighting for. To keep them from slipping away, we must hold our Union together. We must grow stronger. We must enlist every worker in the mills. 

Unionize Lawrence! Unionize the Textile Industry! Unionize all industries. Every member of the Industrial Workers of the World, must be an organizer. 

The I. W. W. bars no worker, but invites all workers. 

If you have an extra dollar in your envelope the I. W. W. put it there.

Are you going to fight with the organization that has helped you?

Are you going to fight against the organization that gave you a little more of the good things of life? The few cents more you get each week, must burn your fingers unless you help those who helped you. 

There is no one so mean as an ingrate. Are you ungrateful for better pay, better conditions? 

Don't you know that if it were possible to drive the I. W. W from Lawrenc, wages would be reduced? 

Could the corrupt politicians prevent the reduction? Could the Church prevent the reduction? Could the prominent citizens prevent the reduction? Could the business men prevent the reduction? Did any of them assist in raising your wages? No! They were against us then they are against us now. 

Let us not divide against ourselves, "United we stand---Divided we fall". 

This organization in no way interferes with any duty you feel you owe to your God or your Country. More bread is the vital issue! More wages! Less hours! Better conditions in the mills! homes! city! 

Join the Union of your class, attend all its meetings at all time: 

N. I. U. of T. W. I, W. W.