Woman smiling.

Judith Kalaora

Founder & Artistic Director, History At Play, LLC

Judith Kalaora is a professional educator, award-winning playwright, and living historian. Graduating Syracuse University Magna cum Laude, Kalaora completed the Globe Education Program, at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre of London, UK.

As the Founder and Artistic Director of History At Play, LLC, which was founded in 2010, Kalaora  chronicles the lives of influential and often forgotten figures using Immersive Living History Experiences. Kalaora is a New England Foundation for the Arts touring artist; a recipient of the Massachusetts Cultural Council awards; a four-time winner of the Bob Jolly Charitable Trust Grant; the 2019 recipient of the Dr. Bobby Gilmer Moss Lectureship Series Award, granted by the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; and the 2021 winner of the Women in the Arts Award, granted by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.