headshot of a woman wearing a purple shirt and smiling

Charlotte Golar Richie

Charlotte Golar Richie has been a member of the Boston community for nearly 40 years. A former Peace Corps volunteer and trained journalist, she has held roles as a reporter, legislator, city housing and neighborhood development director, and nonprofit vice president.  At the heart of her work is a long-held commitment to diversity and equity, and to public service.  

Ten years ago, she ran for Mayor of Boston (the first Black woman to do so), and later served as a commissioner at the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. She returned to City Hall, most recently, to co-chair Mayor Wu’s Transition Team. 

Charlotte currently serves on the boards of the Point32Health Foundation and the nonpartisan Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus. She chairs the Massachusetts Women of Color Coalition Advisory Board, and sits on advisory boards for Boston’s Higher Ground, Children’s HealthWatch and the Commonwealth Seminar. Also, she has co-produced and participated in several programs for GBH’s Forum Network, including one in partnership with Suffrage100MA.

Charlotte and her husband Winston are the parents of two grown daughters, who are making their own contributions to community through the work that they do.